Welcome to Antler Valley Farm

May the Force be with You

In May, we ALL needed the force to be with us.  Seriously, I wish I had paid more attention to Jim’s Star Wars movies!  Is it too late in my life to learn to use the force?  Can I still become a Jedi and change things with my mind?  Well, a girl can dream, right?  […]

April Fool’s Day

I wish this April Fool’s Day was a prank. I mean, can we say “Just Kidding!” and this all be a cruel joke?  I want a do-over of 2020 so far!  As of Arpil 1st nearly a million people are infected with Covid-19 and over 120,000 of those people are Americans. It just seems to […]

Is that you Rona???

  This is the FB meme I kept seeing in March.  It became a running joke in our house.  If anyone coughed or sneezed we all leaned away and gave the look while asking, “Is that you Rona?”  We would all laugh because sometimes humor is the best medicine. March ushered in some crazy weather […]

2020 Here We Come (A month late as usual)

February.  It’s already February!  That makes it seem like the year is flying by and I’m already behind!  No, really, I am seriously behind on so many things right now.  It’s April and I’m still uploading pictures for the February blog post.  And in the process of doing that I’ve realized that I left out […]

A New Decade of Adventures

Well, 2020 is here.  Whoo-hoo!  365 days full of new adventures and possibilities.  What could be better?? Uh, not much.  That’s pretty awesome stuff! I will always look forward to sunrises regardless of what year we’re in. I always have so many things I want to accomplish every year that a new year can be […]

Can It Really Be December??

Is it really December already???  How did another year come and go so quickly?  That’s just not right.  I’m still struggling not to write 2018 on my checks and now I have to start over with 2020.  Nope.  Not liking it.  I am a creature of habit and I need some more time to adjust […]

Nothing like November

I love November.  Love, love, love it! November usually involves cool mornings and warm-ish days.  The leaves are changing.  Maylin has a birthday, which she loves and I struggle with her getting a year older-every year.  And then Thanksgiving is upon us.  What’s not to love, right?  Right.  November is awesome!! I always think of […]

Is it Really 96 in October????

October started out hot.  Really hot.  96 degrees worth of hot actually.  That’s insane for fall weather!  But it couldn’t last forever.  And it didn’t.  When the heat finally ended.  It really ended fast. This was what our flower beds looked like at the beginning of October.  It’s certainly beautiful, but not necessarily normal for […]

September is Swell

September is Swell?  Did I really just write that as a title?  That sounds so weird because that is not something that I would normally say out loud.  Swell?  Who uses the word swell?  Well, apparently I do now….at least on paper.  So does that give me more character for using unusual words?? Or does […]

August is a New Beginning

August is such a wonderful month around here.  We have birthdays.  And more birthdays.   We have anniversaries.  And now we have Kindegarten camp and school starting as well.  Umm….excuse me while I go ahead and bring the Kleenex box in here.  I’m sure I will need it before to long.  I will go ahead […]