The Tree Saga Continues…
The tree dilemma seemed never ending for us! We went from obsessing over individual trees to bulldozing open fields (OK, there probably shouldn’t be a “We” at the beginning of that sentence, but I thought it sounded better…). I thought I was handling it all very well actually. You have to remember that while Jim was working […]
The Tree Saga
Dozers are awesome! Seriously! They. Are. AWESOME!! They can do just about anything. They can knock over a tree in 2 seconds flat. They can even knock over trees that you don’t want knocked over-in 2 seconds flat. Yeah. Sometimes big boys and their toys get carried away… and then the trees are carried away by […]
Big Boys and Their Toys
When Jim first mentioned buying a bulldozer…well,I think ….I might have…. laughed in his face. Not very kind, I know. But that idea came out of left field. And what did we know about bulldozers? I mean, sure Jim had been on a dozer before but just because I’ve been in a plane doesn’t mean I […]
Plans Change
We bought our land and we couldn’t wait to get started! We had plans. We had dreams. We had hopes. We had a vision. We had waited a long time to start on this adventure and we were ready to start!! We got estimates on the work. We cried. We got more estimates. We […]
The Beginning
Country girl + Beach boy + Land= Beginning Farmer story. Isn’t that how it always happens? No? Oh, yeah, sorry. I forgot to add the rest. Country girl + Beach boy+ Land+ 3 kids + church + running a business + homeschooling + real life + more real life + more and more real life […]