Welcome to Antler Valley Farm

Another Hurricane, Another Problem

When it rains, it pours.

When it rains, it also warps boards.  Ha, Ha!  That’s kinda funny and it almost rhymed!  Oh, if only I had thought our current situation was funny.  But, I really thought it was anything but funny.  Yeah, definitely Not funny.

So, Scott had finished all the exterior siding and was done really.  He had given us the go ahead for priming and painting the whole house.  Jim had even taken a few days off so we could get the interior and exterior painted.  Well, after the sheetrock delay, the interior was definitely not going to be ready to be painted.  We didn’t have the sheetrock up and it likely wasn’t going to be put up and finished for a few more weeks.  But, we were hoping to get the exterior painted.  We managed to get the back wall primed and a coat of paint on.

And that was the end of our painting.  Simply put, we ran out of time.  There was another Hurricane coming up through the Gulf and it was supposed to rain most of the weekend and on and off all week.  How fun!!

Monday arrived and I went to check on the farm after some severe weather and tornado warnings late Sunday night.  The farm looked good.  I can relax now.  A few more trees had been blown down in the storm, but all things considered, it looked good.  Great!  I was a happy camper.

Then, I drove up to the house.  Not so great….

The back side of the house that we had painted looked great and even one side of the house looked good.  But once you got around to the far side of the house, the boards were warping.

Bigtime problems here.  What????

I thought we had ordered board and batten, but apparently we were delivered warps and bows.

Not cool!  I cried.  I couldn’t help it.

I pulled myself together and called Saint Jim.  He called Scott to come look at the damage and then called the insurance.  Did you know that if you have insurance on your home it doesn’t cover exterior siding?  Not at all?  How is that possible???  Oh, never mind, you don’t want to hear my thoughts on insurance.  Trust me, it is not a pleasant rant.

Scott said he didn’t have a clue why the boards would warp like that.  I think he thought we were crazy, but he was kind enough to come look anyway.  We also called the lumber company that we had purchased the wood from.  They were dumbfounded.  They were also super kind and immediately sent out a rep to look at the damage.

The next day Scott showed up with several new boards, and power tools.  Lots of power tools.  He replaced several of the boards that couldn’t be saved.  He was also able to refasten a few of the other boards.  He even put in extra screws and nails to prevent anything from warping in the future.

In the end, it all worked out.  Scott worked his miracles and the siding looked beautiful again.  I must admit that I worried when the next storm came through, but since Scott replaced those boards, we haven’t had another problem.  The lumber yard was kind enough to give us those replacement boards at no charge.  I love those guys!  And Scott didn’t charge us for the extra work.  I love him too!  They were kind enough to document the problem in case we have any more problems.  That is customer service!

We also found a guy who came highly recommended to do the sheetrock.  He felt like he could push our small house in the following week.  So, on Tuesday the sheetrock was hung!

It appears that Maylin and Camden are marching in a parade through the house.  I don’t think I was invited to that event….

I can’t believe we have actual walls!

All the walls were up…and we had this left over.  The lumber yard had shipped the materials from a supplier in Charlotte.  That supplier had some trouble counting apparently, and delivered us 8 extra boards.  We double checked and we weren’t charged for them, but we didn’t need them.  The supplier wouldn’t take the sheetrock back, so we donated it to Habitat for Humanity and they were kind enough to come pick it up.  

The dusty mess left by the sheetrock guys was horrible.  Camden, however, thought it was grand!  He loved driving his trucks in it and playing in it for hours. 

By the time we got home that evening, he was to exhausted to go down the hall to take a bath.  He had Maylin bring him a pillow and promptly laid down in the hallway.  He said he was too tired to move.  Isn’t that so cute?  And sweet?  And sad???  

The sheetrock guys were supposed to come back in a week or two to finish the taping, mudding and sanding.  That sounds terrific!  But the mess those guys left behind was horrible!!

This is only half of the scrap sheetrock pieces we had to haul to the dump after they hung the sheetrock.  The small pieces and dust they left inside the house was such a huge mess.  I think when I grow up I want to be a sheetrock hanger.  Then I’ll never have to clean up after myself!! Ha!



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