Welcome to Antler Valley Farm

Starting the Foundation

In the middle of July, we were expecting the concrete guys to start work any day.  Really now, they could start at any minute.   Yesterday would have been just peachy actually.  But obviously I don’t control the inner workings of the concrete company so I must wait like everyone else.  OK, fine.  So, I drove out there on my way home one morning just to check and was surprised to see that they already had the footers dug!

They had started!!

They had used the spray paint lines we had done and dug out the outline.  (I’m sure there’s a more technical term for all that, but I don’t know what it is.  Sorry!)  While it was exciting, it was also scary.  I know, I know I am certifiably crazy!  The house looked sooo small!  I mean, really small!  Like, maybe we are crazy out of our minds-too small?  Yikes!!!

The kids didn’t care how small it looked though. 

They loved running and jumping in the ditches…until Jim found out…Whoops, I didn’t know the ditches had to remain perfectly intact until the concrete is poured.  Well, we all learned something that day!

The next day they had part of the mold built to pour the concrete.  And Camden was having a blast playing on the huge pile of gravel.

They were almost done with the concrete molds!

Once the boards were up around the outside, Jim said the kids definitely couldn’t jump in and out of the ditches anymore.  So, Camden moved on the playing in the pile of gravel that had been brought in for the footers and  the foundation.  

We were ready to pour the concrete!!

Our builder had scheduled to meet the plumber out there to lay out all the plumbing on a Wednesday morning and get the inspections done.  And then the concrete foundation was going to be poured that afternoon or the following day!  We were going to have a foundation for our new house!!  Our small new house, but still, it’s exciting!!

The plumber met Scott out there and they got everything ready to do the plumbing….but the plumbing took a little longer to actually get done…

Well, Wednesday turned into Thursday and then Friday with no plumbing work done.  I guess that’s just how it goes with building.  And I guess I’m going to have to buy some patience from someone!

The following Friday, the plumbers showed up on the hottest day of the year.  They spent half the day baking in the blazing sun!  Jim was working on the dozer and I was picking up sticks and weedeating.  We were all working in 96 degree weather, drenched with sweat, but I felt so responsible for them being so hot!  Crazy, I know!  I kept going back up to the house site and offering them cold water, snacks, a trip to town to buy them doughnuts, anything…?

They were almost done!

They finally took a lunch break around 11 and when they returned, they knocked out the rest of the plumbing in less than an hour.  Then they called in the plumbing inspection for Monday morning!  YES!!!

All the pipes were wrapped and sealed except one.  They fill all the pipes with water and leave one open so the inspector can check for leaks during his inspection.  At least that’s how it was explained to me.  I had no clue what they were doing.  I just tried to stay out of their way and let them do their work! 

Our contractor, Scott was going to be going on vacation the following week.  What timing, huh?  He reassured us that the concrete guy was up to date and ready to start as soon as the plumbing inspection passed on Monday.  We just had to wait until Monday.

Okay.  Monday’s not that far away.  Right?  It’s only 3 days away.  That’s not that long.  We can completely wait until Monday….what time is it again?……..What time is it again?…..Ok, now what time is it????

Is it Monday yet????  Oh my word, I have turned into my kids!!

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